Asian Feminism in Brazil: Race, gender & generation
Between the "model minority" & the "Chinese virus", what is left to us?
Asian Brazilian narratives: identity, rance & gender
Asian Feminism
Chapter. Book: "The 'Yellow Perill' in present times: reflections of a new generation", 2023. Organized by Hugo Katsuo and Edylene Severiano, Selo Caminhos, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Between the "model minority" & the "Chinese virus", what is left to us?
Chapter. Reflections on COVID-19, xenophobia and politics. Book: "Pandemic Portraits Essays for another world", 2021. Frontiers of Knowledge series, a partnership between Ocareté ONG, Balão Editorial trade publisher, and UNESCO, São Paulo, Brasil
Asian Brazilian narratives: identity, rance & gender
Chapter. Book: "Essays of racism", 2019. Authors: Caroline Ricca Lee, Lais Miwa Higa and Juily Manghirmalani. Frontiers of Knowledge series, a partnership between Ocareté ONG, Balão Editorial trade publisher, and UNESCO, São Paulo, Brasil
Asian Feminism
Chapter. Book: "Feminist explosion: Art, culture, politics and university", 2018. Authors: Caroline Ricca Lee, Lais Miwa Higa and Gabriela Shimabuko. Organized by Heloisa Buarque de Hollanda, Companhia das Letras, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
MOTHER/land: Body-cartographies of Race & Gender in the Asian-Brazilian Identity
mother/LANGUAGE @ ancestry as a form of fiction
Article. Sixth Annual Symposium of Latin American Art: “Movement & Presence: The Visual Culture of the Americas”, 2022. The Institute of Fine Arts at New York University, The Graduate Center at the City University of New York, Columbia University in the City of New York, and the Institute for Studies on Latin American Art (ISLAA), New York, United States of America
mother/LANGUAGE @ ancestry as a form of fiction
Article. Against the Grain Fellowship Program, 2021. Futuress: Where feminism, design and politics meets — Learning community and a publishing platform. Basel, Switzerland
Asian feminism: culture of silence, double patriarchies & racial discussion in times of COVID-19